Social identity and Gender Therapy

social identity is a central component of how we move about the world.

I believe that our mental health improves when we have a better understanding of who we are and how we operate in intimate relationships.

So, some of my very favorite work to do with clients is around social identity development. More specifically, development related to racial identity, gender, and sexual orientation. As a mixed-race and LGBTQIA+ affirming/identifying therapist, I am excited and ready to be a part of your social identity journey.

Our social identity influences much of our perceptions and understandings of community. It directly impacts how we relate to others and how they may relate to us. In social identity and gender therapy, my hope is to help you feel at home in your body.

Racial Identity Work

Image of a person looking at the camera and smiling softly while standing in front of a green wall. This image depicts someone who may seek out gender therapy in Minneapolis, MN to understand more about their social identity. | 55331 | 55356

I feel truly blessed to be a mixed-race therapist. Some of the best clinical work I do focuses on racial identity understanding and development with my mixed-race clients and any client wanting to focus on their relationship to their race and ethnicity. My Minneapolis, MN-based therapy practice is grounded in anti-racism and anti-oppression. I believe that anti-racism work is ever evolving and I am committed to that work.

As someone who is white-passing and grew up in an Asian household, I intimately understand what it can mean for our social identities to exist in liminal space— in the in-between.

I would be honored to support you in better understanding your own racial identity. In identity therapy, we will explore what it means to exist in the world as someone who does not solely fit into a white-cis-heterosexual dominant narrative. Further, I am equally enthusiastic for the opportunity to support work towards unlearning facets of White supremacy that may be consciously or subconsciously held in the body.

Gender Therapy

Image of a person standing in a library with their hand held on their hip. This image depicts someone who may work with an LGBTQIA+ therapist for gender therapy in Minneapolis, MN for working on their social identity and racial identity. | 55436 | 5…

For the purpose of this page, gender identity relates to how a person experiences gender in their heart, mind, body, and soul. Gender expression describes how we adorn ourselves.

In my office, all gender identities and gender expressions are respected and honored. I am a trans-affirming therapist and I self-identify as bi-gender. For folks who are exploring gender, I go at the pace that you set and will support you wholeheartedly every step of the way. Gender exploration can be initially overwhelming and my hope is to make this a creative, grounding, and exciting process.

As a therapist who is a member of WPATH (World Professional Association for Transgender Health), I strongly believe in providing an integrative and high standard of care for all folks in their gender journeys. I regularly work with HRT prescribers and am happy to provide referrals for other trans-affirming providers in the Twin Cities to help clients thrive. Additionally, I am happy to write letters of support for trans and non-binary clients pursuing gender-affirming care.

LGBTQIA+ Therapy

I often work with folks who identify as queer and are a part of the LGBTQIA+ community. If you are someone who may be questioning your sexuality, I’d be happy to be a support in your sexuality journey. Many folks who are questioning aspects of their sexual orientation are not exactly sure where they fit.

Labels can become overwhelming for some, as well as empowering for others. I believe that sexuality exists on a spectrum and can be fluid. Much like the gender-affirming care I provide, I will strive to meet you where you are at with your sexual orientation. As an LGBTQIA+ therapist, My hope is to help you land comfortably and proudly.

Image of two people sitting with their noses touching and string lights strewn over them. This image depicts what someone considering working on their social identity in gender therapy and LGBTQIA+ therapy in Minneapolis, MN may look like. | 55402 |…

Begin Social Identity and Gender Therapy in Minneapolis, MN

Taking the first step to start therapy can be intimidating. But I want to assure you that at my therapy practice located in Minneapolis, MN, your emotional safety and wellness are my priority. Understanding ourselves on a deeper level is central to feeling centered in our bodies, minds, and souls. And discussing aspects of ourselves like racial identity, gender identity and expression, and sexual orientation is challenging, but worthwhile work. The outcomes of this work will help you live more authentically connected with both yourself and others. So, I encourage you to explore these parts of yourself in social identity and gender therapy with me. To get started, follow these steps.

  1. Contact me to book a free consultation call

  2. We’ll talk about your goals for therapy and see if I’m a good fit as your therapist

  3. Explore your identities and find centeredness

Other Services at Temperance Therapies

As a trauma therapist, I believe that discussing the past and how it has shaped us is incredibly important. The past has implications for our current relationships, goals, and beliefs about ourselves. And this shows us in many areas of our lives. It’s our job to process who we were, who we are, and who we want to become. I offer this form of healing through individual sessions as well as retreat format. Further, at my Minneapolis, MN-based therapy practice I use inclusive and holistic approaches to trauma therapy, couples therapy, and sex therapy. Feel free to contact me with more questions about fees and working with me.



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Meeting clients at the Ivy Building (2637 27th Ave S, Suite 216 B, Minneapolis, MN 55406)

in the Seward neighborhood of South Minneapolis


Offering online therapy within greater Minnesota

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